IR Sauna

In partnership with Spine Health and Stability

Indulge in the healing power of Infrared Sauna with our relaxing and detoxifying sessions. There’s a package to suit everyone where relaxation meets therapeutic benefits.

Our state-of-the-art saunas utilise infrared technology to penetrate deeply into the body, promoting detoxification, muscle relaxation, and an overall sense of well-being. Immerse yourself in the soothing warmth as it enhances circulation, reduces stress, and aids in the elimination of toxins, providing a holistic and revitalizing experience for both body and mind.

The image captures a woman sitting comfortably inside an infrared sauna at DKB Transformations, located in Mont Albert North.

How does IR Sauna help?

When you feel better, you can move better and do more! Infrared helps with healing through its pain relief and anti-inflammation benefits. The light penetrates the body and stimulates circulation, decreases inflammation, and provides relief from pain.

No one wants muscle soreness to slow them down. Whether you’re a competitive athlete, a weekend golfer or simply trying to stay active, proper muscle recovery impacts your ability to keep doing what you love. Infrared sauna therapy penetrates muscles deeper, increases blood flow and helps the body recover faster so you can stay in the game of sports, and life. Infrared light heats the body from within and penetrates the joints, muscles and tissues, increasing circulation and blood flow for proper healing. It accelerates recovery, helps build muscles, decreases inflammation, and increases flexibility.

Infrared relaxes the body and mind, fights inflammation, and builds collagen and elastin. The deep detoxification infrared waves stimulating within the body are also known to help remove certain toxic heavy metals and other environmental toxins that cause debilitating symptoms. Infrared also boosts the immune system, helping the body stay healthy and ready to fight viruses and other illness.

IR Sauna Blogs…

Traditional Sauna v IR Sauna

Traditional saunas use a heat source to heat the air, and often include steam to create humidity as well. Fire and hot rocks were common sources of heat; modern saunas use a heater or steam generator to create the temperature increase.

Traditional saunas heat the air to a point that initiates the body’s natural cooling process. This means blood comes to the surface of the skin and opens the pores.

Infrared saunas emit lightwaves that penetrate the body to stimulate the health benefits from within at a cellular level.

Sunlight is 52-55% infrared. It’s all the good parts of the sun’s healing light. Unlike sunbathing, infrared heat therapy is completely healthy and safe. You can relax in an infrared sauna and it will never cause your skin to burn.

Infrared heats the body directly rather than simply heating the air. Infrared penetrates human tissue, and the energy it delivers is just the right nudge cells need to stimulate warmth, growth and release .Infrared penetrates human tissue, and the energy it delivers is just the right nudge cells need to stimulate warmth, growth and release.


  • To enable infrared to penetrate tissues as deep as possible, we recommend wearing as little as possible. A bamboo carbon body wrap, cotton towel, gym shorts or swimsuit are perfect options. Most businesses require clients to wear clothing or a towel to keep the sauna clean.

    Always place towels on the sauna seat for each session to collect sweat and remove the towels directly after use.

  • One session will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. But similar to exercise, the more you do it, the better the results. Recommended use is 3-4 times per week for 30-40 minutes

  • Sweat levels are different for everyone. Don’t be surprised if you don’t sweat during the first few sessions. Sweating will increase with regular use. Even if your body is not drenched in sweat, your body is still detoxifying from harmful toxins.

    Also, be sure to drink plenty of water before your session. If you are dehydrated, you will not sweat as much.

  • No. If you have health concerns, we recommend speaking with your doctor before your sauna session.

  • No. Infrared heaters are located on the floor, front, back, and side wall panels. The chromotherapy lights are not infrared.

  • There are various studies on the use of infrared for a multitude of health benefits. Specifically, Sunlighten infrared saunas have been shown to increase core temperature for detoxification, temporarily lower blood pressure, and increase flexibility. Many other studies have shown infrared saunas to increase skin health, aid in relaxation and mental health, and support reduction of waist circumference. These studies can be found on Sunlighten’s website via the Light Science research library.

  • Please consult with your physician, as this answer is usually yes, but may be no depending upon your specific circumstances.

  • Even though infrared is completely safe, it is not recommended to use while pregnant. While pregnant, the core body temperature is already elevated, and you could overheat.

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