Unveiling the Power of Infrared Saunas 

DKB & Spine Health and Stability are proud to introduce our Sunlighten Infrared Sauna! 

Infrared Saunas offer a wonderful relaxation experience while providing numerous health benefits comparable to moderate exercise. They induce vigorous sweating and increased heart rate, contributing to improved health. Infrared sauna therapy is not only affordable and safe but also exceptionally effective in reducing pain, enhancing detoxification, and improving cardiovascular health. Let's delve into how an infrared sauna significantly benefits your body beyond inducing sweat. 

The image showcases the infrared sauna at the DKB Transformations studio in Mont Albert North.

Heart Health: 

Studies indicate remarkable effects, including a decreased risk of sudden cardiac death, fatal coronary artery disease, and overall mortality among individuals using Infrared sauna therapy. The increased heart rate and improved blood pressure and blood flow observed in sauna users contribute to these positive outcomes. 

The heat generated during a sauna session dilates blood vessels, promoting better blood circulation. This can effectively lower blood pressure and enhance heart function, crucial in mitigating the risk of cardiovascular diseases. 

A Finnish study observed 2,000 participants over 20 years. Those using saunas 2-3 times a week exhibited a 24% lower risk of death, while those frequenting 4-7 times a week experienced a 40% reduction, compared to those visiting just once a week. 

Eliminating Toxins: 

Infrared waves target fat cells where cholesterol, heavy metals, and toxins reside. These waves disrupt ion bonds in fat cells, releasing stored toxins and heavy metals, which are then encapsulated by water molecules. As the body naturally cools through sweating, these water-encapsulated toxins are forced out through the skin. 

Relieving Pain: 

Infrared saunas have shown potential in reducing chronic pain without the adverse effects of some pain medications. Research from the Netherlands revealed decreased pain, stiffness, and fatigue in patients with Rheumatoid arthritis and Anklysloing Spondylitis following a 4-week Infrared Sauna therapy. 

The penetrating infrared wavelengths generate heat within the body, providing profound therapeutic benefits by increasing blood flow to muscles, delivering concentrated oxygen, and boosting energy for healing. 

A 2003 study conducted by the Department of Dermatology and Institute of Medical Research highlighted near-infrared heat therapy's ability to stimulate white blood cell production, alleviating inflammation and reducing swelling, crucial in pain reduction. 

Stress Reduction: 

Infrared Sauna therapy is renowned for its relaxing effects, which help lower the production of stress hormones in the body. Reduced stress levels are associated with a decreased risk of hypertension and heart-related problems. 

Cleanse as you sweat. Relax, take deep breaths, and engage your parasympathetic nervous system. At DKB Transformations & Spine Health and Stability, our Infrared Sauna is not just self-care— it's healthcare. 


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