Embark on a new journey of healing with our OOV Therapy services. What’s an OOV you might ask? It’s a device that facilitates whole-body assessment, corrections and performance optimisation

At your initial appointment, your Physiotherapist who has been specifically trained in OOV therapy, will take a comprehensive history to get an understanding of your requirements, injury or condition and the circumstances that may have led to your condition, considering your whole person. Then a movement assessment will continue with you lying on the Oov.

The image showcases a woman using an OOO therapy device while positioned on a Pilates reformer. The woman is engaged in a Pilates exercise routine, with the OOO therapy device incorporated into her session.

How can OOV help?

The OOV illuminates your body’s compensation strategies and can help pinpoint spots in the body where muscle control and joint movements are more difficult for you.

Laying on the OOV puts your spine in a lengthened and well supported position, preventing compression and shearing forces of the spine and also creates the optimal position for your “CORE” to work most efficiently. From this posture, mobility of the body can be readily improved in the hips, shoulders and the spine all while core control is achieved.

Working on the OOV via specific mobility, balance, and strength exercises has a significant neuroplastic impact (provides enormous feedback to the nerves in the spinal cord and brain.) OOV Therapy can also help with:

  • Improved Mobility and Flexibility

  • Rehabilitation After Injury or Surgery

  • Enhanced Muscular Strength

  • Posture Correction

  • Balance and Coordination Improvement

  • Sports Injury Recovery

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