Constructive Rest Position…

A Constructive Rest position is a specific way to place the body for a period in order to allow the body’s nervous system to relax. Think of it like hitting the pause button and giving yourself a break from the fight or flight stress mode that the body can find itself in. Regular practice of Constructive Rest has been shown to change and calm the brain waves overtime. Constructive rest is also used to release excess tension from the body, specifically from the psoas hip muscle. As a constructive rest position is one where you're lying supine (on your back) with your hip and knee joints supported in passive 90-degree position it helps take the pressure off the lumbar spine as well.

The image features a woman in the constructive rest position at our Mont Albert North studio.

When  in the constructive rest posture, you might begin by mentally scanning the body, detecting your breathing, feelings, emotions, and thoughts, as well as regions of tension within the body. The aim is to compare how you feel at the beginning and conclusion of your constructive rest time; comparison can be extremely effective. Our amazing nervous system learns by paying attention and comparing. Stillness helps you to detect small differences and enter into the parasympathetic nervous system

When you have completed your initial consumer comparison you may choose to listen to a guided audio of a body scan, listen to mediation or you may like to focus on a breathing technique. Or simply just be a human BEing not a human DOing and rest!

The ability to relax into the present moment and discover the appropriateness of doing "nothing" is essential to the body's intrinsic potential to repair itself.

The image features a woman in the constructive rest position at our Mont Albert North studio.

The parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for healing, relaxing, and digesting, and this is why the Constructive Rest technique is so effective. As we switch to the parasympathetic nervous system, we experience what is known as the relaxation response, which allows our bodies to resume functioning at optimal efficiency. As a result, our hormone levels, digestive processes, immune systems, heart rates, and blood pressure all start to normalise. The body has astonishing levels of intelligence. If we give it the time and space it needs, it will return to homeostasis on its own.

Many of us constantly experience low-grade stress because we're overstimulated. Many of us are unwell because we spend too much time in the sympathetic nervous system, sometimes known as the "fight or flight" nervous system. Anxiety, depression, and insomnia are examples of mental health problems; autoimmune illnesses, chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic back pain, chronic pain, and migraines are all examples of physical health problems. All these symptoms have been linked to prolonged activation of the sympathetic nervous system.

Remain in the constructive rest period for 5 minutes ( and longer if you are able) and remember regular practice is the key. Give yourself this gift of stillness and time. Constructive rest is an incredibly beneficial and powerful way to take deep care of yourself.


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