Transform Your Health: Insights and Tips


Pilates Myths Debunked!

Pilates is a popular exercise method known for its focus on core strength, flexibility, and overall body conditioning. However, like any popular fitness regimen, there are several myths surrounding Pilates that need debunking…

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How Physio and Pilates Can Relieve Your Back Pain

Back pain is a prevalent issue affecting millions of people worldwide, impacting their quality of life and daily activities. Whether it's due to poor posture, muscle strain, injury, or underlying conditions, finding effective relief is crucial for restoring mobility and comfort. In this blog post, we'll explore how the combined approaches of physiotherapy and Pilates offer holistic solutions for managing and alleviating back pain…

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PILATES Dana Brackley PILATES Dana Brackley

Injury Prevention Tips for Runners: Integrating Pilates into Training

Running is a fantastic form of exercise, offering numerous physical and mental benefits. However, it's not without its risks, as runners are susceptible to a variety of injuries, from shin splints to IT band syndrome. Fortunately, by incorporating Pilates into your training regimen, you can strengthen key muscle groups, improve flexibility, and reduce the likelihood of injury. In this blog post, we'll explore how integrating Pilates exercises can enhance your running performance and help you stay injury-free…

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PILATES Dana Brackley PILATES Dana Brackley

Clinical Pilates versus Fitness Pilates

Clinical and Fitness Pilates are two distinct approaches to health and well being. Pilates was originally created in the 1920s by Joseph Pilates. It describes a system of exercises that focuses on improving core strength, flexibility, posture, and overall body conditioning. What characterises Clinical Pilates is that it is a personalised and therapeutic pilates program that is guided by a trained Physiotherapist…

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PILATES Dana Brackley PILATES Dana Brackley

Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Like muscle, bone is living tissue that responds to exercise by becoming stronger. Throughout your life, your bones are constantly changing. This is called ‘remodelling’. Bone cells called osteoblasts build new bone, while other bone cells (osteoclasts) break down and remove old bone. Osteoporosis means porous bone and its a 'silent' condition characterised by either not enough bone formation, excessive bone loss or a combination of these two situations and it is a concern as it increases the risk for fractures…

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PILATES, OOV Dana Brackley PILATES, OOV Dana Brackley

The Fabulous Foot: Finding Balance

Foot obsession? No, not really; however, because our feet are so essential to our function, mobility, and well-being, they play a significant role in my client evaluation and programming.

I frequently commence an evaluation of movement or injuries from the ground up. I will assess the alignment of the toes, the arches, the muscular support between the toes ankle and calf muscles, the position of the heel bone, and the ability to stand on one leg or rise onto the toes. Putting together all of the jigsaw pieces could significantly improve a person's ability to have a correctly functioning foot, which enables them to maintain balance, walk successfully and support the hip and knee…

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Personalized Healing for your lumbar Spine

What direction does your back like the best?

The lumbar spine frequently has a preferred movement direction, particularly if you've sustained a back injury or experience intermittent back pain. During a Physio Assessment and Clinical Pilates class, you can determine if your back prefers certain movement directions; then, during an episode of back pain or soreness, you can tailor your exercises to the direction preference of the spine to help it feel better and recover from the episode…

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PILATES, OOV Sault Digital PILATES, OOV Sault Digital

Balance a bit off?

Most of us are aware that if our ankles get stiff or we have tight calf muscles, we may easily trip over our feet, or if we have painful tight hips, we may not elevate our leg high enough when walking or over obstacles, which can also cause us to fall…

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